9th wave and October 28, 2011

Namaste everyone,

As of today we entered a new cycle in the Mayan calendar. It is not just a new trecana (13 days cycle) it is also a new Tzolkin round (260 days). Therefore it is a great time to make new beginnings, plant new seeds in our lives and realign ourselves with high spiritual goals.

This new 260 days cycle also includes the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar. There are exactly 260 days from today to October 28, 2011. Although Calleman says the 9th wave starts on March 8th, 2011 I think it is more logical that it starts today, as he mentioned previously in his books.

However, to be honest I want to express that I look with suspicion to October 28, 2011 and other dates of Calleman. Although it seems that things happening on our planet nowadays, including the turmoils in the Arab world, are somehow signs of the 9th wave, I believe we are very much behind the schedule of which Calleman foresees. When I shared these ideas of mine he partly agreed with me. Also let us remember what Don Alejandro, the leader of the Mayans, say about the end date of the Mayan calendar. He says that the true date was lost to them and it could be 2015 or 2020.

By the way, I believe that this Tzolkin round is not going to be the last Tzolkin round as Calleman argues. No other Mayan calendar expert agrees with that and also according to the Mayan shamans Tzolkin rounds will be there continously.

To finalize my words, I think that the next 260 days will be a final test for the "Calleman Model" and his dates and together we will see how accurate the prophecies are. As always, I would like to remind that the process of spiritual evoultion has no room for laziness and passivity and it requires a lot of sacrifice, faith, belief, efforts, aspiration and dedication.

With love and blessings,


The Last is the First

I have been following the subject of the Mayan Calendar for a few years. It resonates with me on a personal level because of its cyclic and evolving nature. I am grateful for the work of many people that have revealed the nature of the Mayan Calendar. My name day Oxlahun Cauac has guided me well and sheds light on many aspects of my life.

Yesterday I ran across a different method for finding the Mayan Birthday that used a Daily Tzolkin round starting with 8 Chuen. I need to study the differences more as it seemed like the two methods end up with different name days.

This is a significant shift in one's individual purpose. I found a lot of relevance using the method that derived my name day Oxlahun Cauac. Studying other name days also gave me insight into personality attributes of those around me.

My delemna is that I seem to be projecting rather than collecting information. I still appreciate the math but I don't see a connection. Maybe that is because I don't understand how the numbers for the years are determined.

In faith,



My beloved brother Fatih:

In addition to "a lot of sacrifice, faith, belief, efforts, aspiration and dedication," the process of spiritual evolution requires joy, fun, unlearning, sleep, delicious food, awesome sex, dreams, answered prayers, deep healing, multidimensional awareness, angelic compassion, oceanic forgiveness, music, laughter, wonder and thousands of blessings, gifts and treasures. Indeed, there might be room for laziness and passivity. The process of spiritual evolution is vast.

Shalom = Salaam = Shanti,
