The South Carolina Primary the Republican Party and Mayan Astrology

Today, the day before the South Carolina primary, is 6 Net (which is sometimes called Lizard). A day keeper in Guatemala calls this a day of confusion, when the net can become entangled. Voters will be up in the air at the last minute, and will not necessarily make the best decision.

The date of the primary, January 21, is 7 Snake, which according to the same source is not a good day for making important decisions.

Composite Charts of the Candidates
After examining this primary with five composite charts (which included combining the candidates' main Mayan day signs with 7 Snake, the Republican party's day sign and the day sign of the USA), I came up with several different answers. But even if my projection is incorrect, I will be able to review them later and see which chart was right. For now, I am relying solely on composites of the candidates and 7 Snake.

Romney in the South Carolina Primary
Romney looks weak on January 21. His 2 Jaguar combined with 7 Snake leads to 9 Storm. This means trouble and problems. (It has other meanings, but they do not apply in the context of a political race.) I pointed this out to a colleague two weeks ago, but continued looking at other composites for verification.

Gingrich in the South Carolina Primary
Gingrich's composite is 10 Eagle. 10 is a much higher coefficient than Romney’s, giving him an advantage. Eagle means ambition, flying high and vision. It is also the symbol of the USA, which appears significant and gives him an edge over Romney.

Paul in the South Carolina Primary
Paul's composite is 12 Earth. An even higher coefficient linked with the day sign that means thought and ideas and movement. If the voters rely on logic rather than emotion, Paul has a good shot at third, perhaps even second.

Santorum in the South Carolina Primary
Santorum's composite of 1 Wind indicates communication problems that could hurt him tomorrow. The coefficient of 1, however, could provide him with a fresh start in the campaign.

And the Winner Is...
My projection, based solely on composite charts of the Mayan day signs of these candidates and that of the date of the primary is that there will be an upset.
Gingrich will defeat Romney, who will place second (though Paul could also beat him).

If Romney should win, it will be by such a narrow margin that Gingrich will remain in the race and go heads up with him in Virginia.

Shay Addams
6 Net, January 20, 2012
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
