2012 Film Review

Your name
Nadua Garbe
Bragança Paulista, SP
Film or TV program 
Provide a brief description of the film/program's story plot for our readers 

I can't actually describe a preview on this movie cause I haven't seen it, nor intend to. Reading my next statemente will see why.

What is your personal opinion of this film/program, as entertainment?  

In my opinion, this movie was produced ONLY to cause panic and fear in the population which, by the way, is the illuminattis' favorite dish. They want everyone to see it,visualize ithat chaos and catastrophic scenario cause that has been scheduled a long time in their agenda, then our thoughts and concers and visualizations will help them to make it happen, exactly as they've planned. Actually I think a transition will occur on this very special day, Dec, 21, 2012, not only is foreseen on the Mayans but also the Egiptians, and other civilizations, but this transition will be smoothly and peacefully and finally we'll live our lives exactly as we are meant to, as cosmic beings, free , prosperous and living in abundance, in communion and united as ONE with MOTHER GAIA. Listen to the song 'IMAGINE" by John Lennon, and visualize the world as he mentioned on that fabulous song.

If you had the chance to remake this film/program, what would you do differently? 

Most likely would ask for David Wilcock's help to do it.

Would you recommend this film/program to your family, friends and colleagues? Why or why not? 


What would you like to say to the film's director, and/or the production studio? 

Quit being an illuminatti puppet, please !!!

("2012" only) Roland Emmerich is allegedly planning a television series "post 2012". What do you think of this idea? 

Well, as long as I DO NOT WATCH TV ANYMORE, I don't care about it.


Bragança Paulista, SP