The Trecena of 1 Etznab/Tijax

1 Etznab / Tijax — The Trecena of Truth and Healing

Etznab, or Tijax in K’iche’ Maya, is the daysign of Obsidian, an extremely sharp natural glass formed by volcanic activity.  Like obsidian, Etznab cuts to the core of things.  It cuts through not only deception, evil, and negative energies, but also physical illness.   For this reason it is an auspicious sign for healers (curanderas), surgeons and doctors, for all matters health and wellness, medicine and curing of disease.  Etznab is also known as Flint, especially in the form of a spear or knife.  And like a knife, it has a double edge.  On the one hand, it represents communication, eloquence and publicity; education and teaching.  On the other, it signifies vengeance, espionage, falsehood, gossip and quarrels.  This duality makes it a very challenging day, for duality generates conflict.  True to this aspect of its nature, Etznab is the nagual of suffering and sudden death—in whatever form or meaning.  The animal totem of Etznab is the wolf.

Etznab, sharp black Obsidian, cuts through the multitudinous veils we live wrapped up in, through the layers of misperception, fear and misinterpretation that our social and media conditioning continues to hypnotize us with, through the fog that surrounds the clarity, potential and truth of our souls.

The challenge of this Trecena is to stand before the mirror of your soul unclad and unfettered by fear, uncertainty, weakness or falsehood of any kind. Have the courage to look directly into your heart, body and mind, without judgment, without opinion, without comparison. Face your truth and accept it as yours.

It's important that whatever wish you made reflect what you truly need, not what you think you need or want. Hard to tell sometimes isn't it... often it's not until you get your "wish" fulfilled that you realize it's not what you wanted or needed at all. This is why you need to start with breaking through those veils, that personal screen of smoke and fog that has been spun over a lifetime and over your soul, and recognize who you truly are and why you are. When you do, everything in your life becomes clear, and the path you walk gains direction and purpose.

There is no journey like the search for personal truth.


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(Text by Birgitte Rasine.  If you'd like to repost the Trecena texts, please copy the above text in its entirety and credit Birgitte Rasine/The Mayan Calendar Portal with a link to, and email us with a link to your site so we can reciprocate.)
