An Amazing Story

Full Name
Rodolfo Tubale Balajadia III
Bergenfield, NJ
United States


Bergenfield, NJ
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

1 person and her name is Adriana Sundell and myself.

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

Oh Yes. Absolutely but i'm trying to learn it so that it will be easy to follow with the mayan calendar. And suince this mayan calendar is almost over we can switch the earth around and make it nice and neater and cleaner for us to live in.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

Yes it has especially by doing the morning announcements at my high school called Bergenfield High School. And it changed by brightening me and making me shocked to preapre me for this real change that is expected to happen in the earth very soon.

it's amazing it feels so real to me. It changed my life by warning the world about this big change that's occuring in this planet right now. But some people in our school will not be able to survive because they didn't learn that much. And that my way of thinking will help them live more then some of the perople in our school. And it also helps to becuause it helps me bring to people that we can really do it together as a group of people worldwide.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

A challenege that was very difficult for me is doing the morning announcements at my high school called Bergenfield High School with autism. It helped me daily by using this saying to the mayan calendar to help the whole planet to learn especially some of our teachers and students and the whole world has a difficulty on this right now. And then it also scares me when they are looking at what i'm reading because it's like keeping secrets dumb down to people and they might be afraid that they might not like it but they have to deal with it just like myself course. I tell Adriana Sundell sometimes because I can't tell her every day because I don't see her is some information about this stuff and it's so amazing to her and it looks so real too.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

Definitely my disability because the whole world has an effect of the mayan calendar with disabilities. But it's the same thing as trying just like all the other people around the world. My disability has a benefit on this because it will help me survive so that all the people around the world can see this information and it can be very helpful to them also as well.
