An Average Person Experiments with the Calendar

Full Name
Susan Ewing
Spencer, IA
United States


Spencer, IA
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

Just me - but my husband is getting intrigued.

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I use it as a hobby. I became interested in the calendar a decade ago. I was excited to think that 2012 would be in my lifetime. I had travelled to Central America in the 1970s and found everything about it to be fascinating. Since I wanted to learn what the calendar glyphs meant, I decided to blog. The blog is mostly about the art and glyphs of the ancient Maya. But I also am interested in 2012 and Carl Johan Calleman's wave theory, so I sometimes address that. I needed a way to test it out in my life. I was curious. So I thought I would apply it to my finances. By coincidence I was transferring my IRA retirement account to an online institution just as a new Tzlokin calendar round began (9/9/09). I knew that would be a perfect experiment for me. I could see in black and white and numbers if the Tzolkin had an effect in real life.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

I am a very middle class, middle age, average woman from middle America. I wouldn't go out on a limb financially. But I feel free to experiment a little with my retirement account. After all, the modern investment theories haven't been doing so well anyway! How much worse could it be?
I made a simple chart that set out the Tzolkin dates from 9/9/09 through the next 260 days. Calleman says that on November 7th a new Tzolkin night begins. He says that paper money will become less valuable and that a financial depression could very well happen like it did a year ago. Ok. So my chart is shaded after Nov. 7th. I will put my account into something more along the lines of gold stocks or what they call ETFs at that time. During the "day" (now), I'll invest in stocks and then after Nov. 7th, I'll invest in gold. That's my plan.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

I chose which stocks to buy by looking at whether they tied in with 2012. Some of my choices were humorous, but they were all conventional stocks that trade on the NYSE. So far,so good. I've made modest gains. Hey - modest gains are better than what was happening a year ago to my IRA!

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

It is very intriguing. It is fun. I really think that as 2012 gets closer, we will all become very interested in all things Mayan. I am just getting interested earlier than my family and friends. They'll catch up. The Mayan calendar and its end is a great story. My husband laughed at first. Now he is just a little influenced by it. When Nov. 7th comes, I'll bet he takes precautions with his own IRA.
December 21, 2012 (when the big cycle comes to an end) will be very exciting. I don't think the world will come to an end. I have a Christian point of view. But, I do think everyone in the world will be aware of the event. There will be a sense of expectancy and wonder and anxiety. And a sense of fun. The 'event' is a Mayan version of Y2K. Nothing bad happened then. This is MY2K - the Mayan Y2K.

Do you have a blog or a web site you’d like your story to link to?
