Stepping out of old energy circles

Full Name
Monica Camuglia
Zurich, ZH


Zurich, ZH
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 


How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I try to lead important issues to a day of my birth sign. I started doing this 6 months ago. My first hearing concerning my divorce in August 2009 happen to be on such a day. The hearing as such as well as its outcome was totally in favor of me and our little dauther. My lawyer never attacked but only rectified the facts professionally. It was a win with style. But! It didn't feel like a victory - it felt much more like getting my dignity back. Having reqached this I felt, that the materialistic part of it was not important to me. After some more weeks I mailed to my husband, that it was important for me that we would find a solution that he would feel more comfortable with. He agreed on a meeting without lawyers immediately, not knowing that I had set it up on day that was in favor of my energy. I offered him an agreement that he could accept without any opposition. In 15' we solved a major problem that was on the way to become a 2 years battle in court. And the main point is, we are both happy with it - and so is our 4-year-old beautiful daughter.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

Thanks to the studies of Carl Johan Callemans Book, some wonderful talks with him and some other spiritual influences (Allan Watts, Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, Spezzano...) I learned to trust my inner voice and follow my own potential in place of to holding on to the right, or on old dogma and doctin ect. Knowing the Maya Calendar gave me the trust listen to my heart and trust it. I realize that there is a change of power and it will need every single person to stept out and demonstrate it. My life quality has changed and my will to spread out spiritual thoughts adressing the main streem is my purpose. My novels tell stories of human beings seaching and finding - sometimes not on the shortest path though ;-) Many thanks to all of you that support this wonderful revolution.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

Don't follow rules, always reflect with your heart. Never accept anything that doesn't feel good to you. Do not replace old dogma with new dogma. The devine truth is within us.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

For me it is the big picture of the MC has helped to unterstand my own chaos and find its sense and potential. I see the abundance of my life and the importance of my existence in the wohle of oneness.

Any other comments or thoughts: 

Its a wonderful time we life in.
